EPSRC Review & Assessment of COMFORT, June 2002
Criterion Final Assessment
Research Quality Internationally leading
Research Planning and Practice Tending to internationally leading
Potential Scientific Impact Tending to internationally leading
Output of Research Staff Tending to outstanding
Communication of Research Outputs Outstanding
Potential Benefits to Society Tending to outstanding
Cost Effectiveness Outstanding
Overall Assessment Outstanding
('Internationally leading' & 'Outstanding' are the highest ratings in their respective categories)

The COMFORT Final Report is available here [pdf (68KB)].

COMFORT HomePage banner

(asynchronous COmmunication Mechanisms FOr Real-Time systems).

What is COMFORT?

Project members at King's College London (KCL)
EPSRC Grant GR/L92471.

Department of Electronic Engineering,
Division of Engineering.

Project members at Newcastle upon Tyne University (NCL)
EPSRC Grant GR/L93775.

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Department of Computing Science

Email: all KCL members

Email: all NCL members

Email: all COMFORT members

COMFORT Publications & Bibliographies

Invited talks.

Related Links

This is what we look like.

There is also a COMFORT page at Newcastle.
Project duration 36 months. Official start date 1/4/1998. Official completion date 31/7/2001.

Our new project is called 'COHERENT'.

(For searching purposes) - This page was previously hosted at
  • http://www.eee.kcl.ac.uk/~comfort/
  • http://www.research.eee.kcl.ac.uk/comfort/
  • http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/people/i.g.clark/home.informal/comfort/
Last modified 10/12/2002 by IGC