
Check Hazard

Check Hazard is an EDA tool which generates a set of relative timing constraints for a speed-independent circuit to work correctly when the isochronic fork timing assumption is relaxed into the intra-operator timing assumption [1]. Under the intra-operator timing assumption, wires in a fork that feed into the same gate are considered to be isochronic.

Download and installation

The latest release of the tool can be found on Check Hazard homepage:

Untar the source files and then run make from the directory where the sources are. The binary file check_hazard will be installed in the subdirectory bin.

Usage of the tool

Check Hazard EDA tool generates a set of relative timing constraints for a speed-independent circuit to work properly when the isochronic fork timing assumption is relaxed into the intra-operator timing assumption. It reads a free-choice STG in ASTG format as the behavior description and a EQN as the implementation description of a speed-independent circuit.

The tool is run using the following command:

check_hazard [ASTG_file] [EQN_file]

The ASTG file format was specified in the tool petrify [2]. In the EQN format (currently restricted subset of EQN syntax), each line contains an equation in the sum of product form to specify the pull-up function of one gate in the circuit. No brackets are allowed in the equation. The literals in each product term are connected by the symbol * and different product terms are connected by the symbol +. The negation of a signal is suffixed by the symbol '. An equation is terminated with the symbol ;. For example, for a C-element with the input signal A and the negation of signal B, the equation should be:

C= A*B' + A*C + B'*C;

There is a shell script in the directory benchmarks. It could run a bunch of benchmarks automatically. Create a subdirectory for each benchmark and put the ASTG (.g) and EQN (.eqn) in it. The results will be saved in a result.txt file in each subdirectory. The shell script clean_benchmarks in the directory benchmark could remove the result.txt in each subdirectory.


  1. Y. Li, T. Mak, A. Yakovlev: "Redressing timing issues for speed-independent circuits in deep submicron age", Proc. Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2011.
  2. J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, A. Kondratyev, L. Lavagno and A. Yakovlev: "Petrify: A tool for Manipulating Concurrent Specifications and Synthesis of Asynchronous Controllers", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 1996.